ProgramExam Mode
(Macau residents and applicants not from the mainland)
Exam Mode
(Mainland residents)
Exam outlineReference book(s)
Doctor of Philosophy in ScienceOral interviewOral interviewN/AN/A
Doctor of Philosophy in Advanced NetworkingOral interviewOral interviewN/AN/A
Doctor of Philosophy in Artificial IntelligenceOral interviewOral interviewN/AN/A
Doctor of Philosophy in Intelligent Science and SystemsOral interviewOral interviewN/AN/A
Doctor of Philosophy in MathematicsOral interviewOral interviewN/AN/A
Doctor of Philosophy in Enviromental Science and EngineeringOral interviewOral interviewN/AN/A 
Doctor of Philosophy in Materials Science and EngineeringOral interviewOral interviewN/AN/A
Doctor of Business AdministrationOral interviewOral interviewN/APlease refer to the Chinese version
Doctor of Philosophy in ManagementOral interviewOral interviewN/A

Shortlisted candidates must attend an interview. Interviews are conducted in English. The scope of the examination is as follows.

(1)For major in Finance, and Banking and Finance: Assessment focuses on the basic knowledge in corporate finance, investments, banking, international finance, capital market, and asset pricing.

(2)For major in Accounting: Assessment focuses on the basic theory and method of accounting, the basic theory and method of auditing, and the accounting and financial management of the capital market.

(3)For major in Economics: Assessment focuses on the basic knowledge in microeconomics, macroeconomics, and econometrics.

(4)For major in Management Science and Engineering (including Business Analytics, Logistics Management, and Information System): Assessment focuses on the basic knowledge in calculus, probability and statistics, and optimization theory.

(5)For other management-related majors: Assessment focuses on the basic knowledge of organizational theory and management, marketing management, strategic management, human resource management, and organizational behavior.

Besides, candidates’ research experience, research ability in relevant fields, and logical thinking and judgment will also be assessed during the interview.

Doctor of Philosophy in LawOral interviewWritten exam, Oral interviewPlease refer to the Chinese versionPlease refer to the Chinese version
Doctor of LawInterviewInterviewN/A
1.[德]魏德士:《法理學》,丁曉春、 吳越譯,法律出版社2013年版。
2.[德]K·茨威格特、 H·克茨:《比較法總論》,潘漢典等譯,中國法制出版社2016年版。
Doctor of Philosophy in Chinese MedicineOral interviewWritten exam, Oral interviewPlease refer to the Chinese versionPlease refer to the Chinese version
Doctor of Philosophy in Chinese MedicinesOral interviewWritten exam, Oral interviewPlease refer to the Chinese versionPlease refer to the Chinese version
Doctor of Philosophy in Integrated Chinese and Western MedicineOral interviewWritten exam, Oral interviewPlease refer to the Chinese versionPlease refer to the Chinese version
Doctor of Philosophy in Tourism ManagementOral interviewWritten exam, Oral interview

Scope of the Examination:

1. Tourism, leisure, and hospitality as concepts

2. Consumer behavior for tourism and hospitality

3. Measuring, and modeling tourism demand and supply

4. The impacts of tourism

5. Tourism research method

6. Sustainable tourism development

7. Tourism development and planning

8. Sub-sectors of tourism and leisure industry

9. Service management in hospitality industry

10. MICE industry and its development

11. Tourism and hospitality marketing

12. Smart tourism in 21st century

13. Regional hotspot issues in tourism and hospitality industry

(1)Lohmann, G., & Netto, A. P. (2016). Tourism theory: Concepts, models, and systems. CABI.

(2) Lashley, C. & Morrison, A. (2015). In Search of Hospitality: Theoretical Perspectives and Debates. Taylor & Francis

(3) Walker, J. (2017). Introduction to Hospitality. 2017

(4) Brunt, P., Horner, S., & Semley, N. (2017). Research methods in tourism, hospitality, and events management, Sage

Doctor of Public HealthOral interviewWritten exam, Oral interviewPlease refer to the Chinese version

Assess candidates' mastery of basic knowledge in health and medical treatment, analytical ability of the knowledge system and theoretical framework of public health, logical thinking and judgment, and the ability to engage in scientific research.

Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical SciencesOral interview Oral interviewN/A

The interview will be conducted in English. The interview aims to test the candidates’ basic scientific knowledge in the areas of biology, biochemistry, molecular biology, and biomedical sciences. The research capabilities of candidates will be assessed based on their adequate background in the area of biomedical sciences and discussion about their previous laboratory-based research experiments. In addition, the candidates will be challenged during the interview to judge whether the candidates have the critical and logical thinking to carry on novel and innovative research in biomedical sciences.

Doctor of Philosophy in CommunicationOral interviewWritten exam, Oral interviewN/APlease refer to the Chinese version
Doctor of Philosophy in DesignOral interviewWritten exam, Oral interviewN/A

Assess the candidates' knowledge of design and research capacity in the field of design. Candidates must show physical portfolios and other relevant achievements during the interview.

PhD of Management in Film IndustryOral interviewOral interviewN/AN/A
Doctor of Philosophy in Fine Arts (Painting Theory and Practice)Oral interviewWritten exam, Oral interviewN/A

Assess the candidates' knowledge of art and their research ability in the field of fine arts.

Candidates must present a portfolio and other relevant achievements during the interview.

Doctor of Philosophy in Fine Arts (History and Theory of Fine Arts)Oral interviewWritten exam, Oral interviewN/A

Assess the candidates' knowledge of art and their research ability in the field of fine arts.

Candidates must present a portfolio and other relevant achievements during the interview.

Doctor of Philosophy in ArchitectureOral interviewWritten exam, Oral interviewN/A

Assess the candidates' knowledge and their research ability in the field of Architecture.

Doctor of Philosophy in Digital MediaOral interviewWritten exam, Oral interviewN/AN/A
Doctor of Philosophy in Musicology (Theory of Music)Oral interviewWriting exam, Oral interviewN/A

To evaluate candidates' level of acumen of art, their mastery of music, and their research aptitude in the field of music, candidates must present their research accomplishments and demonstrate their talent in music during the interview.

Doctor of Philosophy in Musicology (Music Theory and Practice)Oral interview (include musical aptitude assessment)Writing exam, Oral interview (include musical aptitude assessment)N/A

To assess candidates' level of acumen of art, their musical performance proficiency, and their research aptitude in the field of music, candidates must present their recitals and other relevant achievements during the interview as part of the musical aptitude assessment.

Doctor of Philosophy in International RelationsOral interviewWritten exam, Oral interviewPlease refer to the Chinese versionPlease refer to the Chinese version
Doctor of Philosophy in HistoryOral interviewWritten exam, Oral interviewPlease refer to the Chinese versionPlease refer to the Chinese version
Doctor of Philosophy in Earth and Planetary SciencesOral interviewOral interview

Three papers in each research field of planetary sciences will be provided within one week before the oral interview. Each candidate may select any one of them to read, and prepare a 10-min presentation with slides to review the scientific question, methods, results, and limitations of the study. The candidate is also encouraged to mention potential future work in pertinent areas. The presentation should be given in English, and performance will be evaluated by both scientific potential and communication skills.

Planetary Geology and Geophysics:

Heiken, G., Vaniman, D., & French, B. M. (1991). Lunar Sourcebook: A User’s Guide to the Moon, Cambridge University Press.

Melosh, H. J. (1989). Impact cratering: a geologic process. New York: Oxford University Press.

Turcotte, D., & Schubert, G. (2014). Geodynamics (3rd ed.). Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.

Planetary Surface Environment and Small Bodies:

Pater, I., & Lissauer, J. (2001). Planetary sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Seeds, M., & Backman, D. (2019). Foundations of astronomy (14th ed.). Australia: Cengage.

Physics & Chemistry of Planetary Interiors:

Spohn, T., Breuer, D., & Johnson, T. (2014). Encyclopedia of the solar system (3rd ed.). Elsevier.

Irwin, P. (2009). Giant planets of our solar system: Atmospheres, Composition, and Structure (2nd ed.). Berlin: Springer.

Baraffe, I., Chabrier, G., Fortney, J., & Sotin, C. (2014). Planetary Internal Structures. Protostars And Planets VI. doi: 10.2458/azu_uapress_9780816531240-ch033

Planetary Space Physics:

Kivelson, M., & Russell, C. (Eds.). (2019). Introduction to Space Physics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781139878296


Cockell, C. (2020) Astrobiology: Understanding Life in the Universe (2nd ed.). Wiley Blackwell.

Anand, M., Rothery, D., Sephton, M., & Gilmour, I. (2018). An introduction to astrobiology (3rd ed.). Cambridge [etc.]: Cambridge University Press.


Best M. G. (2003) Igneous and metamorphic petrology. John Wiley & Sons.

McSween, H., & Huss, G. (2010). Cosmochemistry. Cambridge University Press.

Planetary Atmosphere:

Taylor, F. (2010). Planetary Atmospheres. Oxford University Press.

Pont, F. J. (2014). Alien Skies: Planetary Atmospheres from Earth to Exoplanets. Springer.

Doctor of Philosophy in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign LanguageOral interviewOral interviewPlease refer to the Chinese version

The assessment focuses on major knowledge of theoretical concepts and competencies in applying theoretical concepts. Content: assessment of knowledge of theoretical areas related to TCFL and research competencies, i.e., areas in Chinese linguistics, L2 theories, Chinese culture in TCFL, pedagogy in TCFL, competencies in TCFL, linguistic competencies, and conducting research. Questions during the interview will be based on the research proposal submitted by applicants.

Doctor of Philosophy in Creative WritingOral interviewOral interviewPlease refer to the Chinese version

The assessment focuses on major knowledge of theoretical concepts and competencies in applying theoretical concepts. Content: assessment of knowledge of theoretical areas related to TCFL and research competencies, i.e., areas in Chinese linguistics, L2 theories, Chinese culture in TCFL, pedagogy in TCFL, competencies in TCFL, linguistic competencies, and conducting research. Questions during the interview will be based on the research proposal submitted by applicants.

Doctor of EducationOral interviewOral interviewN/A

Interview scope: theoretical ability and practical ability.

Interview content: educational administration, educational policy research, educational leadership, educational psychology, educational technology, educational assessment and improvement, curriculum and instructional design etc., and academic research ability.

Interview also tests the applicant's academic research ability based on the research proposal submitted.

Doctor of Philosophy in PharmacyOral interviewWritten exam, Oral interviewN/A

Doctoral candidates must conduct interviews, and each candidate is generally arranged to conduct an interview separately with at least two faculty members from the School of Pharmacy. The interview will be conducted in English.

This interview aims to test the breadth and depth of candidates’ master of basic knowledge of pharmacy, pharmacology, medicinal chemistry, drug analysis, pharmaceutical preparations, and biochemistry. Candidates’ research experience, research ability in pharmacy-associated fields, logical thinking and judgment, and the development potential of engaging in innovative research in pharmacy will also be assessed during this interview. English is the main language of instruction during the course/experiment of study.

Doctor of Philosophy in Urban and Regional EconomicsOral interviewWritten exam, Oral interviewN/A

ZongJiaFeng, 2021, Regional and Urban Economics, Shanghai University of Finance & Economics Press Co., Ltd.

Note: The above arrangements are subject to the latest announcement by the university. Admission examinations will be conducted on-site or online (oral tests) according to the requirements of each program. The examination arrangements for each candidate are not all the same, please refer to the announcement in the Online Application System.