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  • Program Major/Area Medium of Instruction Normal Study Duration Maximum Study Duration Admission Requirements
    List of Supervisors
    According to the relevant laws and regulations of the Macau SAR Government, in order to obtain professional titles such as architects, engineers or urban planners, relevant applicants must meet the academic requirements stated in relevant laws, and be registered with the CAEU (Conselho de Arquitectura, Engenharia e Urbanismo) for qualication recognition and pass related examinations.
    - Chinese/English 2 4 -


    - Chinese/English -- - -


  • Program Major/Area Medium of Instruction Normal Study Duration Maximum Study Duration Admission Requirements
    List of Supervisors
    - Chinese -- - -


    - Chinese -- - -


    - Chinese -- - -


    - Chinese/English -- - -


    - Chinese/English -- - -


    - Chinese/English -- - -


    - Chinese/English -- - -


    - Chinese/English -- - -


    - Chinese/English -- - -


    - Chinese/English 2 4 -


  • Program Major/Area Medium of Instruction Normal Study Duration Maximum Study Duration Admission Requirements
    List of Supervisors
    - Chinese/English 2 3 -


    - Chinese/English 2 3 -


    Master of Management in Film Industry
    1. 在所属课程之修业期内及格完成该学位课程学习计划的要求,修读科目成绩(不含学位论文成绩)累计平均积点不低于2.50
    2. 遵守大学的修读守则
    3. 缴清指定费用及归还所借的大学财物,如学生及格完成上述课程设置表(一)至表(二)的科目,累计平均积点不低于2.50,但不在规定期限内通过论文答辩,则只可取得结业证书。
    A master's
    meets the follow
    by the Academic and
    Chinese/English 2 3






    Master of Film Production
    MAPZ01 Film Production I (3 Credits)

    This course is for students to learn about professional film skills by divisions and the use of equipment. Fundamentals of varied divisions will be taught like screenwriting, producer, director, photography, lighting, art design, sound effects and editing. Students can learn professional knowledge while practicing their organizational abilities and team-work spirit.

    MAPZ02 World Cinema History (3 Credits)

    This course is to analyze the development of theme, genre and style in film history and related theories. The evolvement of the film industry, excellent works, films schools and trends, and representative figures will all be introduced to let students get a general idea of film art and its impact on culture and society.

    MAPZ03 Film Production II (3 Credits)
    MICE and Event Management
    Gaming Management
    Tourism Planning and Management
    Chinese/English 2 3

    Major in Law, Economics, or Management; or Bachelor's degree in other fields with working experience and qualifications in legal or financial areas.



    - Chinese/English 2 3 -


    - Chinese/English 2 3 -


    Master of Fine Arts in Interactive Media
    The lecture was themed “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence, Robots, and Metaverse”. Professor Dimitrios Buhalis pointed out that artificial intelligence is becoming a mainstream new trend in the tourism industry and brings unlimited possibilities to the development of smart tourism. During the lecture, he analyzed the advancements, developments, and innovations in current scientific technologies. He emphasized that AI will become an intelligent assistant in the field of tourism, and the metaverse will provide a more immersive experience for travelers, taking them into a whole new world of tourism.

    During the discussion and Q&A session, students were actively involved in asking questions. Professor. Dimitrios Buhalis gave detailed and professional answers to the questions related to the future of AI and VR technology and shared his thoughts on the use of AI to combine virtuality with reality, as well as his views on the practical application of AI in the tourism industry from the perspective of a researcher.
    - Chinese/English 2 3 -


  • Program Major/Area Medium of Instruction Normal Study Duration Maximum Study Duration Admission Requirements
    List of Supervisors
    - Chinese -- - -


    - Chinese -- - -


    - Chinese -- - -


    - Chinese/English -- - -


    - Chinese/English -- - -


    - Chinese/English -- - -


  • Program Major/Area Medium of Instruction Normal Study Duration Maximum Study Duration Admission Requirements
    List of Supervisors
    - Chinese/English 3 6 -


    - English/Spanish/Portuguese/Chinese -- - -


    Chinese/English 4.5 6.5



  • Program Major/Area Medium of Instruction Normal Study Duration Maximum Study Duration Admission Requirements
    List of Supervisors
    - Chinese 2 3 -


    - Chinese/English 2 3 -


    - Chinese/English 2 3 -


    - Chinese/English 2 3 -


  • Program Major/Area Medium of Instruction Normal Study Duration Maximum Study Duration Admission Requirements
    List of Supervisors
    - Chinese -- - - Academic Staff
    - Chinese -- - - Academic Staff
    - Chinese -- - - Academic Staff
  • Program Major/Area Medium of Instruction Normal Study Duration Maximum Study Duration Admission Requirements
    List of Supervisors
    - Chinese/English 2 3 -


    - Chinese/English -- - -


    Master of Pharmacy

    # Those who register as pharmacists in Macao must meet the regulatory requirements of the Pharmaceutical Administration Bureau of the Macao SAR Government. Completion of the program of Master of Pharmacy in M.U.S.T does not make the graduate a qualified applicant for registering as a pharmacist in Macao.
    - English 2.5 4

    Major in Pharmacy, Medicine, Nursing, Life Sciences, Chemistry, Materials Science, or related fieldsEnglish Proficiency Requirements

    Academic Staff
  • Program Major/Area Medium of Instruction Normal Study Duration Maximum Study Duration Admission Requirements
    List of Supervisors
    - Chinese/English -- - -


    - Chinese/English -- - -



  • Applicants for master’s degree programs must have attained a bachelor’s degree.

  • The study mode of all master’s degree programs is Full-Time mode. The normal study period for master’s programs of the Faculty of Chinese Medicine and the School of Pharmacy is 2.5 years, and the maximum is 4 years. The normal study period of other master’s degree programs is 2 years, and the maximum is 3 years.

  • The Duration of Study is a standard study period and for reference only.

  • The study plan and course description of the above programs can be checked from the respective faculty's website.

  • The university reserves the right to cancel any programs or majors due to insufficient students.